Westlake MounTain Bike Team
Who we are
The Westlake Mountain Bike Team in Austin, TX welcomes co-ed riders in middle school and high school to join us for trail rides, practices, skills clinics, races and more! Westlake MTB serves the middle and high schools in Eanes school district. Any student in 6th grade or higher who lives in the district - public, private or is home schooled is eligible. Our team is co-ed. We especially need more girls to join!
More information about mountain biking as a school sport can be found through the National Interscholastic Cycling Association, and specifically the Texas League.
Interested in trying a ride with us or need more information? Please contact us at westlakemtbteam@gmail.com.
2022-23 High School Team 2022-23 Middle School Team
Typical Practice Schedule
Starting November 1, 2024: after school practices ( Tue/Thu 5:15pm-7pm & Saturday morning practices at various local trails)
Our official season runs from November through April. For the 2024-25 season schedule - see the events page
Enjoy the Ride!
The Pre-Season Informational Meeting will be scheduled soon. All interested students are welcome. Please contact westlakemtbteam@gmail.com for more details.